Submission Guidelines
Have a story to share? We’d love to hear it!
We will be launching Attitude and Outlook in Winter 2024/25. New look, lots of stories on topics you love.
We are currently accepting personal essays and stories related to recovery of all types. Generally, our articles are 1000-2500 words, but we may accept articles of other lengths if they fit our editorial vision. We don’t discriminate, but we are discriminating about the writing we accept; submissions are at the discretion of the editorial staff.
No product, facility, or service promotions, solicitations, or reviews, please. You are, however, welcome to submit a link in your personal website or service in your author bio.
We prefer personal stories, as our vision is to share from our own experience, strength, and hope. Your story through recovery, or one step on your journey, general musings, and any recovery-adjacent topic or stories welcomed; again, our choices for publication are subject to the editorial review.
Our sister publication, The XX Files, also accepts personal stories for, by, and about women on all topics of life if you have more to share that is not recovery related.
Please email submissions as a google doc to editor (at) or use our contact form. Please edit before sending. Feel free to attach images (only ones you hold rights for) and an author bio (if desired, we also publish anonymously if requested), links accepted. On Attitude and Outlook, we publish author names anonymously or semi-anonymously, so please indicate how you would like your work attributed (anon, first name only, etc.) All works will be held for publication with the initial site launch.
We are not currently able to compensate authors for their work, though we do recognize the value in your words. We do not claim exclusive rights on any of your submissions and encourage you to publish far and wide!
We will do our best to review your work and get back to you as quickly as possible!
xoxo, Lorien S.
Sober. Mom. Writer. Many, many other things.